About us
Färber Acoustics

Producing unique High-End audio systems, handcrafted from natural materials.
Some ideas reach back far, sometimes even to childhood. Already at an age of twelve years the founder of Dr. Faerber Acoustics, Arne M. Faerber, built his first loudspeakers.Since those days the passion for music and sound, for craftsmanship and technology never relinquished him. It took him another several decades yet to materialise his dreams: after an engineering degree, dissertation in fluid mechanics, occupation in process engineering and as senior scientist at the University of Stuttgart he devoted his future life since 2007 to the realisation of his boyhood-dream.
Within five years of developing and research at first the premium loudspeaker series Equilibrium was created. Spherical horns – worldwide unique - made in a very complex process from massive blocks of natural stone were one center piece of these luxury-class speakers, producing ultimate sound quality.
Followed in 2015 Trunkquility, a completely different design series of loudspeakers, made of wooden trunks was born. Like Equilibrium each product of this series is a unique handmade piece involving a lot of elaborate craftsmanship. As well as the luxury series entirely custom made, these speakers produce a very balanced, fine sound - at reasonable price-levels.
All the speakers can only be ordered directly at Dr. Färber Acoustics GmbH. Interested customers are offered a detailed consulting service. The different models and model-types can be inspected and tested at our production facility. Simply arrange a meeting.